I'm not saying we're talking about GH here. The romance was definitely not particularly well-executed - it's unclear when the falling in love happens, for starters, and the couple in question do not interact very much. We get some hint of the Viscount's feelings, but nothing extraordinary. And the Viscount himself, while very likeable in a combination of Mr. Beaumaris (ready enjoyment of amusing situations) and the Marquis of Alverstoke (not a marrying man), and a soldier to boot, is also new to his wealth, having inherited it unexpectedly from his great-uncle. Not the worst shame in the world, but we like our heros to be "independently wealthy" if possible :) The second point is a minor detail, the first less so, but despite both, the book was a good read. I'd say of all Clare Darcy's books I've read (and there were two others besides the trio, both substantially inferior), this one was the only one that makes me regret there aren't more. Maybe I'll even consider trying to find the others that there are.. maybe. But in any case, this one was worth the time.
Verdict: 3.25/5
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