Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yet Another Take on the Classic Tale

For some reason, yet another author felt the need to publish a teen version of P&P (Actually, when I reviewed the last one, Prom & Prejudice, I said that I didn't remember reading any other versions, but it just feels so done).  For all the reasons I detailed in my last review - basically, I have no patience for teenagers, I just wasn't that interested in reading Epic Fail when I read about it on Austenprose (this despite it being by an chic lit author, Claire LaZebnick, whose previous books I enjoyed).  But S.b. got it out from the library and thought it was pretty decent, so I read it over this Shabbos, for which I was in Baltimore.

It was indeed, pretty decent, and also pretty much exactly what I expected.  Rich prep school to imitate the class society of England, and sweet enough teenage romance.  Not hugely romantic, but fun enough to read about.  This one took place in Hollywood and made much of the difficult lives of movies stars and whatnot, more standard chic lit fodder.  And there was the similar issue that Elise Benton's position at her school is far more tenuous than Elizabeth's in the vicinity of Longbourne.  Then there's the fact that the plot just doesn't have that much room since we all know what's going to happen. I always end up being happy when story deviates from the original, since at least it's a surprise. Plus if you try to stay too close, you end up wangling things in a way that make no sense at all.  So this one kept consistent enough, changed a few things, and was the more successful for that.

So basically, decent high school romances, NO surprises, not much else to say, but certainly not too hard to read.

Verdict: 2.95/5

Funny side note, as I was writing this Sarah Sp. emailed me and asked me if I had ever read this or another teen version of P&P.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rochel. I've got a question and a comment. First, how clean are her other books? Second, you think Lazebnik is related to Libby Lazewnik???
